Call : 0161 228 1600

Cleaning your carpets and upholstery is extremely important as it not only keeps them clean, fresh and hygienic, but helps prolong their life. We use the state of the art Texatherm Cleaning System, which gives the following results:

  • Cleans, disinfects and applies anti-static coating;

  • Safe for use on wool carpets;

  • Guaranteed not to stretch, shrink or split seams;

  • Low moisture and noise levels;

  • Up to 60% reduction in cleaning time;

  • Leaves no sticky residues which can trap dirt;

  • Environmentally friendly;

  • Your carpet is ph neutral on completion.

Contact us to arrange a quotation for your premises.



Commercial Carpet  Cleaners, Commercial Contract Cleaners in Manchester

office cleaning

First Impressions are imperative within a building; and picking the right coantract cleaning company is paramount.


Whatever your type of business, we provide a professional, reliable and ecient commercial window cleaning service to suit.


A first class commercial facilities cleaning service in fast moving environments, such as shopping centres, leisure facilities etc.